Why it’s better to be mobile?
Street food
Changes in social life together with a trend to spend time outside give new possibilities in business development. One of them is definitely Street food. We love to eat and drink in a street. Mobile sales points become a standard element of a city scenery and an attraction not only for tourists.
Our proposition – what and for whom?
Coffee bike, juice and lemonade bike, ice-cream bike, panini bike, or any other gastronomic bike is a great idea for your first business. Moreover, it may be the adventure of your lifetime. It requires less financial investment, and consequently it reduces the risk of possible decrease in financial values.
Gastronomic bike as a first business is just one of our propositions. Our offer is intended also for people who are tired of working in big corporations as well as for people who are over their careers. It is great opportunity for being financially independent, working outside, enjoying fresh air and protecting the environment by using your own muscles for moving.
If you are a successful businessman and your business is running very well, a gastronomic bike will be just another tool for earing money. Using one of our gastronomic bikes, you can create both an entirely new concept or a mobile supplement of your already existing gastronomy.
However, the greatest advantage of a mobile business, which arises directly from the mobility itself, is the fact that while your initial workplace turn out to be unsuccessful, you can easily move to another place. If a customer couldn’t find you, you may find him instead!

Small bike, big opportunities
A gastronomic bike is a tool that offers many opportunities for growth. It is an ideal tool for small entrepreneurs and a perfect solution for giants to scale their business.
We can easily adjust it to our needs in terms of the product sold, and modify it over time.
It is also a repeatable work tool, which guarantees simplicity in developing franchises and catering concepts.

Enjoy what you do
If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.
We all know this cliché… But isn’t there a lot of truth in it?
A bike gives you the opportunity to be independent. Work where and when you want.
As with any business there are failures… But when one venue doesn’t work – what other business can be moved so easily?
Work wherever you want
Freedom. That’s the key word.
Permanent venues, events, weddings, theme parks, boardwalks… and more…
How about being in a different place every day? With a gastronomic bike you can work where the traffic is… where the action is… where the money is…
This is an unprecedented concept in terms of applicability and ease of working in new locations

Quality and aesthetics
For years, our bikes have been synonymous of excellence in workmanship and the most recognized devices of this type on the market.
Attention to detail combined with the latest technology give an effect that attracts customers and generates profits.

Work wherever you want
Freedom. That’s the key word.
Permanent venues, events, weddings, theme parks, boardwalks… and more…
How about being in a different place every day? With a gastronomic bike you can work where the traffic is… where the action is… where the money is…
This is an unprecedented concept in terms of applicability and ease of working in new locations

Quality and aesthetics
For years, our bikes have been synonymous of excellence in workmanship and the most recognized devices of this type on the market.
Attention to detail combined with the latest technology give an effect that attracts customers and generates profits.

Cargo bikes have become part of the urban lifestyle for good. They alsohelp in growing the business.

The simplest version of our bike. Without additionals. For those who want to reduce costs.

The simplest version of our bike. Without additionals. For those who want to reduce costs.

Base of all other bikes. Use it as cafeteria, little shop or information point on fairs.

Classic look, dream of thousands, money maker.

Prepared for selling thousands of lovely hot dogs. Doesn’t need electric supply.

Most popular mobile machine for selling ice creams in Europe
About us
Take a look behind the scenes at JG Gastro!
We send our products to over 50 countries in the world